Situated on the fall line between the Piedmont region and the Atlantic Coastal Plain, Columbia’s two rivers make it a haven for sport fishing. Sportsman travel from around the United States to Lake Murray, and the South Carolina coasts. Columbia itself is full of experienced fishermen, including Columbia, SC dentist, Dr. Hahn.
Just like humans, the teeth of fish tell a story about where they live, what they eat, and how they use their mouths. The sharp, fang-like teeth suggest that it uses its mouth to puncture the flesh of its prey, stopping them from escaping. While this is somewhat typical for saltwater fish, a sheepshead tells a completely different story.
What A Sheepshead’s Teeth Show Us
Looking like a thing of nightmares, a sheepshead, which is prevalent in South Carolina waters, looks like it visited our Columbia dentist, Dr. Hahn, for a dental exam. After the initial shock of their human-like teeth, thinking about what this can tell us about their diet and behavior can be interesting. According to AtlanticPanic, sheepshead are omnivorous which feed on invertebrates, small vertebrates, and occasional plant material. They use their massive chompers to crush heavily armored and shelled prey like crabs, or to scrape barnacles from rocks. Since they’re omnivorous like people, it makes sense that their teeth would look like ours.
How Teeth Affect Our Diet
Human teeth can also tell you a lot about a person and their diet. If a person has a considerable number of cavities, it’s likely they eat a diet high in sugar or simple starch. Bacteria present in the mouth feed on sugar, reproduce, and create an acidic byproduct that can wear down enamel and cause cavities.
The shape of your teeth can also tell a story about stress-levels and mental well-being. Bruxism, more commonly referred to as night-time tooth grinding, is often a symptom of stress and anxiety. If left untreated for too long, it can cause TMJ and permanently damage teeth.
Repairing Damaged Teeth
If your teeth have already become damaged due to diet or other factors it’s important to be able to return functionality and beauty back to your smile. While general dentistry is there to provide preventative treatment, when prevention fails and damage has been done, reconstructive dentistry can give your smile a second chance, even if you’ve lost teeth.
Teeth, regardless of who or what they belong to, can tell the stories about our habits and diet. To start the path to your new natural, beautiful, and healthy smile, please call (803) 781-9090 or contact Smile Columbia Dentistry in Columbia, South Carolina today to schedule an appointment with our dentist, Dr. Adam Hahn.